
At the heart of the Papua New Guinea University of Technology (ÌÇÐÄTV¹ÙÍøUoT) is a dedicated and experienced management team, committed to steering our institution toward excellence, innovation, and success.

The authorities of the University consist of: the Council, which is the governing body of the University; and the Academic Board, which is the principal academic body of the University; and such other authorities as may be established and declared by Statute to be authorities of the University.

Council consist of:Ìý

  • the Chancellor who shall be Chairman; and
  • the Pro Chancellor; and
  • the Vice Chancellor; and
  • the Deputy Vice Chancellor; and
  • the Pro Vice Chancellors; and
  • the Vice Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea; and
  • the Head of the Department of the Public Service responsible for education matters;
  • - the Chairperson – Commission for Higher Education who shall be ex officio members, and
  • two Members of the parliament elected by it; and
  • two Heads of Departments of the University of professorial status, elected by the Heads of Departments of the University; and
  • one member of the non-professorial full-time academic staff of the University elected by such staff; and
  • one member of the full-time non-academic staff of the University elected by suchstaff; and
  • two currently registered full-time students of the University, one man and one woman, elected by the whole body of students; and
  • not more than 14 persons, not being employees or students of the University, appointed by the Council, of whom eight shall be nominated by the Minister, and at least one shall be a woman.

The Academic Board which consists of:

  • the Vice Chancellor who shall be Chairman; and
  • the Pro Vice Chancellors; and
  • the University Librarian; and
  • the Professors of the University; and
  • the Heads of Academic Departments of the University.

Who shall be ex officio members and –

  • two currently registered full-time students of the University, one man and one woman, elected by the whole body of the students; and
  • one full-time non-professorial member of the academic staff of each Academic Department of the University elected from among their number by the full-time nonprofessorial members of the academic staff of each Academic department; and
  • such Heads of connected institutions as the Council may determine.


The composition, chairmanship, powers and functions of such other authorities as may be declared by Statute to be authorities of the University, shall be as prescribed by the Statutes under which they are established.

University Officers and their Role

  1. The Chancellor is the ceremonial head of the University and, if present, shall preside at convocations of the University for conferring degrees and at meetings of the Council.
  2. The Pro Chancellor shall, in the absence of the Chancellor, perform the functions of the Chancellor.
  3. The Vice Chancellor is the academic and administrative head of the University and shall exercise general supervision and control over the affairs of the University.
  4. The Deputy Vice Chancellor shall, in the absence of the Vice Chancellor, exercise the powers, perform the functions and discharge the duties of the Vice Chancellor.
  5. The Pro Vice Chancellors (Academic, Administration and Planning and Development) has powers, to perform such functions and discharge such duties as the Vice Chancellor may, from time to time delegate to them, or as may be imposed or conferred on him or her by the Act.
  6. The Registrar shall affix the Common Seal of the University to:Ìý
  • a document issued to any person as evidence of the grant or conferment of a University degree, diploma, certificate and other academic awards as are determined by the Council;
  • each Statute made by the Council.

He also reports to the Council and maintain a record of documents sealed and certified.


An official in charge of funds, as at the university

Executive Management

Professor. Ora Renagi, OL

Vice chancellor

Associate Professor Garry Sali

Deputy Vice chancellor

Professor Kaul Gena

Pro Vice Chancellor - Administration

Professor Shamsul Akanda

Pro Vice Chancellor - Academics

Veronica Thomas


Tharmaraj Diraviam


Annette Waide

Executive director - HR